Book 43 of 50 for the New Author Challenge
Book 8 of 25 for the MG Reading Challenge
Book 6 for the Classics Challenge
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I had three hours in the car by myself and decided to download a library audiobook to my ipod for the drive. I didn't realize how limiting my selection was going to be since I was working on my Mac that night instead of a PC. But, I ended up somewhat reluctantly downloading this book. And then I promptly fell in love with it.
The Railway Children (no relation to The Boxcar Children) is a classic children's story that was written in 1906. The tale focuses on three children named Roberta, Peter, and Phyllis who move to the English countryside after their father is taken away. Their proximity to the railway provides them with all kinds of adventures that they never had when they lived in the city. They learn how to make do, make friends, and enjoy the outside world while interacting with the station master, the signalman, the porter, the town doctor, and even a bargeman.
This book would make a fantastic read-aloud. It kind of reminded me of Thomas the Tank Engine, but for older kids (and without talking locomotives and helicopters). It is definitely one of those great "old-fashioned" stories. Even though there were some colloquialisms used that clearly refer to the time the book was written, this is a story that will never go out of style.
I should mention that I wasn't a big fan of the reader of the audiobook. She had fabulous distinct voices for each character, but her English accent left something to be desired. I ended up reading the last half of the book in hardcover and was much less distracted.
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Source: Library