Book 54 of 100 for the 100+ Reading Challenge
Book 5 of 50 for the New Author Challenge
rating: 4 of 5 stars
I have been meaning to read Francine Rivers for years. About a year ago, I started reading the Deanne Gist novels and Rivers got recommended again. I picked Redeeming Love up at a library book sale awhile ago, and finally decided to read it now because it is so highly ranked on Goodreads.
I was a bit daunted by the heft of the book (just over 460 pages) but they seriously flew by. I read this book in just over a day. This is Christian romance novel, based on the book of Hosea, but set in 1850s California. I have to admit, I knew very little about Hosea before I read this. Mainly, that the Lord commanded him to marry a prostitute. Who knew?! (Not me, obviously.)
I was completely hooked while I was reading this book. And yet, when I look back on it, I did find it cheesy, and a tad preachy and even unrealistic at times. However, I feel Rivers has created a compelling tale in an interesting setting and time period. This book is definitely rated PG-13 for heavy sexual themes, like child prostitution. But, there is nothing overly explicit in the descriptions. I would recommend this for Christian fiction fans for sure, anyone who enjoys a clean(er) romance, or books set during the Gold Rush.
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I have heard great things about Francine Rivers. I would love to give one of her books a try. I don't mind cheesy every once in a while :P
Thanks for linking to my review. To my suprise, this was one of my favorite books last year!
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