I wish Maisie were a real person because I would love to be her friend! I find her a fascinating character (the feminist in me is always a sucker for the independent woman) but I don't think there is a lot of me that resembles her. I definitely wish I understood people the way she does. I probably resemble Priscilla much more (without the drinking problem)!
Ah well, I highly recommend this series if you haven't picked it up before. The psychology side makes them a little different from your standard mystery fare. I actually think I'm liking each book Winspear produces better than the last.
I have not heard of this series! I'm very excited to start reading them. I'm so glad I found your blog!!
Maisie is such a great character isn't she? I loved this book. The only problem now is having to wait so long for the next adventure! :)
Thanks, I needed a new book to read, and I think that this series might fit my current mood best!
Iliana, I feel your pain. I definitely wish Winspear could churn these out like the Magic Tree House books!
I pre-order book 4 in this series and still haven't got it read! And already book 5 is out?! I have put both on a challenge list so they'll be read soon. I agree with you - Maisie would be fun to hang out with in real life.
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