This is the 5th installment in the Maisie Dobbs mystery series. Set in England, during the post-WW1 era, Maisie is a private investigator and psychologist that uses keen insight and the study of human behavior to solve cases. This novel focuses on an area of Kent during the hop picking season where strange events have occurred in a small village since the war. The blame is usually given to the gypsies or Londoners who come to pick the hops. But Maisie thinks there is much more to it.
I wish Maisie were a real person because I would love to be her friend! I find her a fascinating character (the feminist in me is always a sucker for the independent woman) but I don't think there is a lot of me that resembles her. I definitely wish I understood people the way she does. I probably resemble Priscilla much more (without the drinking problem)!
Ah well, I highly recommend this series if you haven't picked it up before. The psychology side makes them a little different from your standard mystery fare. I actually think I'm liking each book Winspear produces better than the last.
3 hours ago
I have not heard of this series! I'm very excited to start reading them. I'm so glad I found your blog!!
Maisie is such a great character isn't she? I loved this book. The only problem now is having to wait so long for the next adventure! :)
Thanks, I needed a new book to read, and I think that this series might fit my current mood best!
Iliana, I feel your pain. I definitely wish Winspear could churn these out like the Magic Tree House books!
I pre-order book 4 in this series and still haven't got it read! And already book 5 is out?! I have put both on a challenge list so they'll be read soon. I agree with you - Maisie would be fun to hang out with in real life.
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