This is the latest Shannon Hale's young adult novel. The story is a retelling based on Brothers Grimm Maid Maleen. The novel is written in diary form by Dashti, the maid of Princess Saren. Set in Mongolia, the two are locked together in a tower for seven years by Saren's father for her refusal to marry the horrible man he desires. However, Saren is secretly engaged to another, Khan Tegus, despite her father's wishes.
And with that, I will leave you to go and get it for yourself, so I don't totally ruin it. Just know that the book is wonderfully-written, the setting is fascinating, and it has a nice dose of romance.
I highly recommend it.
3 hours ago
I might have to try this one after a few more books (I try to mix up fluff with more substantial). I read Goose Girl this weekend, and was impressed with her writting style. Loved it, thanks.
I really enjoyed reading Shannon Hale's adult novel Austenland recently and will definitely check this one out. I just love this book cover.
Stephanie: I agree. The cover is great. I loved it even more after I read the book. I also thought Austenland was great fun!
I just found your blog and love it! How do you find the time to read all of these books? AMAZING!! I am currently reading Hale's "Austenland" and will defintely add this book to my to-read list. Thanks for sharing! I'll be checking back in for other amazing recommendations!! Many thanks!
Rae: Welcome!! I was checking out your blog and was wondering how you liked The Other Boleyn Girl. I've heard mixed reviews and can't decide whether or not to read it. My sister used to be in the same ward as Jen in the Boondocks.
Wow! What a small world! I saw Jen today at playgroup and she helped me put two and two together! It's nice to "meet" you! And I'm so happy you checked out my blog. I am still new to the blogging world and am learning as I go! As far as "The Other Boleyn Girl", I actually enjoyed it. What I liked most was reading a part of the book and sitting down with my laptop and googling the character's name and learning factual history about them while I was reading the fictional piece. In a way it felt a lot like genealogy! I started looking up this person and then that led to their mother and then to their uncle and so forth and so on. It was a very easy read and I would recommend picking up a copy at Wal-mart or some other store who sell books at a discount. My sister bought the next book written by Greggory. When she's through I plan on reading it. Hope this helped and thanks for asking!
I just read this not too long ago. I like Hale's books a lot. Right now I'm reading River Secrets. I wish I'd have read it soon after finishing Goose Girl and Enna Burning, but the more I read the more I am piecing together the characters again.
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