Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication Date: April 26, 2011
Hardcover: 304 pages
Price: $16.99
Series: Little Blue Envelope #2
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
After Ginny's summer whirlwind tour traveling through Europe, following instructions left by her recently deceased Aunt Peg, she returns home to New Jersey and back to her regular life. She's procrastinating writing her college application essay when she receives an email from someone she's never heard of before.
**Spoiler alert from the first book, 13 Little Blue Envelopes. Oliver Davies has the last envelope from her Aunt Peg that was stolen in Greece. That last envelope contains instructions on finding one additional piece of art, but Ginny will have to travel back to Europe during the Winter Break to find it. The catch is, that in exchange for the letter, Oliver wants a cut of the profit Ginny makes. End of spoiler.**
So Ginny returns to England, furious with Oliver but finding no way out of the situation. She's excited to see Keith again, but she doesn't know where things really stand with their relationship. But the experiences Ginny and her traveling companions will have help Ginny see clearly what she wants from her future as she internalizes the lessons Aunt Peg leaves her from the past.
I adored the first book in this series and was thrilled to see Maureen Johnson wrote a sequel. She said that this book receives the most questions and feedback from readers and she really wrote this book in response to that. I love that she is able to continue Ginny's story without it seeming forced. While this book is still really funny, I enjoyed Ginny's more contemplative side. This book is a delight to read and I loved how it ended. Thank you, Maureen Johnson, for continuing Ginny's story.
Also reviewed by: Ms. Yingling Reads ~ Your link here?
Source: e-copy provided by netGalley and HarperTeen for review purposes.