Inconceivable by Carolyn & Sean Savage
Publisher: HarperOne
Publication date: February 14, 2011
Hardcover: 304 pages
ISBN: 9780062004635
Price: $26.99
On the library stacks: Adult Non-fiction
This is the incredible true story of a botched IVF that resulted in a woman pregnant with the wrong couple's embryo. Even though I knew from the beginning that Sean and Carolyn Savage decide to carry the baby to term and give the baby to the biological parents willingly, I was still thoroughly engrossed in their journey.
Told from the perspective of both husband and wife, the book is absolutely heart-wrenching and honest. I respect the Savages not only for their profound gift of love, but also because they don't gloss over the ugly parts that might not put them in the best light. Their feelings are tangibly real and their decision to share their thoughts at every stage of their pregnancy takes amazing courage.
I can't remember the last time a book affected me so profoundly. I hurt for the Savages, I tried to put myself into the shoes of the biological couple, I wrestled with some of the religious predicaments and pondered God's will and role in all of it. Have tissues handy for this one.
The Savages can be found online:
Other book tour stops:
February 25th: Good Girl Gone Redneck
March 1st: A Birth Mother Voice
March 2nd: Heart Cries
March 3rd: After ‘I Do’
March 8th: One More Ladybug
March 9th: The Privileged Infertile
March 10th: Book Club Classics!
March 15th: 2 Kids and Tired Book Reviews
March 16th: Football and Fried Rice
March 17th: Luxury Reading
March 18th: Take Me Away
Source: I received this book from the publisher as part of the TLC Book Tour.
6 hours ago
Since I couldn't even read the review of this book without getting a lump in my might not be for me right now.
I'm listening to this one now and what a story it is! I'm amazed at the strength of the Savages.
I can't wait to read this one. I read Misconception by the Morell's and I've been anxious to read the Savage's perspective.
2 Kids and Tired Books
I'm really glad that you were part of this tour - it seems like this was a great read for you despite the difficult nature of the Savage's experiences. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Tricia, Thanks so much for the review. It's so nice to hear that our story had such a profound effect on you. Sean and I really discerned our decision to write the book because we knew we'd have to revisit some of our more challenging (and less flattering) moments. I'm so glad we did. We are getting really positive feedback which is rewarding.
You's interesting. Some publishers turned us down saying that the subject matter...the story was too sad. They wanted a "Hollywood ending" and they said we didn't have one. What struck me as disappointing about that "take" on our situation is that most people experience challenging situations during the course of their lives, and they don't get "Hollywood" endings either. That's real life.
I hope that those that read our story are inspired to cherish the normal, everyday, happy moments we have with our families. I also hope that they remember us when life throws them a curveball, and know that they can get through anything with a strong moral compass, love and kindness.
Thanks again for the review. If you want to discuss anything, or have any questions, I am super active on our FB fan page and on our website,
Carolyn Savage
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