On the library stacks: Adult Fiction
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
John Costin is a tinker in Puritan England. His wife has died shortly after childbirth, leaving 4 children behind, including his oldest daughter who is blind. John needs help because not only does he have a family to support, he has been called by God to preach His word to surrounding villages.
Elizabeth Whitbread answers the call to help John. She becomes his housekeeper, delaying her marriage to cooper Samuel Muddle. Eventually, John and Elizabeth fall in love and get married, causing all sorts of issues. But Elizabeth finds herself having a tough time ingratiating herself into John's life more fully than just as his housekeeper. In addition, John is in serious trouble with the law for preaching without a license.
Something the author doesn't tell the reader until the end is that this book is based on the life of John Bunyon, the author of Pilgrim's Progress. But I think knowing that makes the novel even more interesting. Elizabeth Bunyon was a woman who sacrificed so much to support to husband. I found quite a bit in this novel that I could relate to and I really enjoyed the author's overall message. While I didn't love the way the language of the time period was written (including the overuse of the word 'twas), I did love the sweet romance. This is an author I will definitely read more from.
Also reviewed by: My Own Little Corner of the World ~ 2 Kids and Tired Books ~ My Friend Amy ~ Your link here?
Source: Gift
"Christian historical fiction" and "really relate to" are not phrases I would ever link -- but coming from you, may be worth a try.
Well, 'twas is rather annoying to read ;) Glad it didn't totally spoil it, though!!
I enjoyed this and found it quite compelling. The language was the big disappointment for me as well. I got so tired of the "methinks", especially since it was mostly John who spoke that way. I liked her other one, The Doctor's Lady a lot better and it didn't have the language issues!
2 Kids and Tired Books
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