On the library stacks: Children's fiction
AR Reading Level: 4.7
Awards: NCTE Notable Children's Books in the Language Arts; ALA Notable/Best Books; SLJ Best Book; Newbery Medal
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Claudia Kincaid lives with her family in Connecticut. She feels under-appreciated by her family and decides to run away to the Met. She convinces her favorite brother, Jamie, to go with her because she needs his financial support. The live in the Met for about a week, bathing in the fountain and sleeping in an old English bed on display.
A suspected lost work of Michelangelo draws huge crowds to the museum each day. The kids decided to do some research to help determine if it is real or not. They decide they must know the secret of the sculpture, so they spend all their money getting to the home of Mrs. Frankweiler, who was the previous owner.
I'm not sure if I read this when I was a kid or not. But I am homeschooling my 5th grader and decided to read it with him. My son liked this book better than I did. I think he really got into the fantasy of what it would be like to run away and live in a museum. I thought the book was cute, but I found Claudia obnoxious. There are lots of resources online to help teach and test this book. My son and I had a great discussion about it after we both finished it.
Also reviewed by: Gerbera Daisy Diaries ~ Your link here?
Source: Purchased