On the library stacks: Adult fiction
Awards: Arthur C. Clarke Award for Best Novel, Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis for Foreign Novel British Science Fiction Association Award for Novel, John W. Campbell Memorial Award Nominee for Best Science Fiction Novel, James Tiptree Jr. Award, Puddly Award for Science Fiction
Series: Book 1 of 2
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
In 2008, I read Dreamers of the Day by Mary Doria Russell and loved it. I have been anxious to read this book, which is most acclaimed of all her work. However, I heard a few rumors about this book that put me off. It's not an easy book to read, but definitely worth it. I feel like my mind was stretched in all directions!
I am definitely impressed by the diversity and talent of this author. Dreamers of the Day is historical fiction and this book is science fiction. Set in the future, a team of scientists, funded by the Jesuits, take an asteroid to a distant planet light years away. They make amazing discoveries and endure unimaginable horrors.
I have heard that AMC has just optioned this book and its successor, Children of God, as a television series. I plan on reading the next book for sure. But for now I need to let this one rest in my mind. It's really a philosophical novel at its core, and one I won't soon forget.
Also reviewed by: Avid Reader's Musings ~ It's All About Books ~ My Friend Amy ~ Alison McCarty ~ 1morechapter ~ Your link here?
Source: Purchased
I've heard about this book but never realized it's sci-fi. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I need to read some of her other books! I'm glad you liked this one, though.
I know so many people who read this and loved it. I read it, once, about 16 years ago, and had such a violently negative reaction to the ending that I can't look at the cover without shuddering.
I'd tell myself I should give her a second try, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
This book has a somewhat cult-ish following -- so many readers love it. The Sci Fi part makes me reluctant. However, I LOVED Dreamers of the Day. Maybe...one day.
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