On the library stacks: Adult fiction
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
CeeCee is a 12-year old girl living in Ohio with her mom. Her dad is a traveling salesman and is rarely seen at home. During the past few years, CeeCee's mom has been exhibiting disturbing signs of psychosis. CeeCee has been left alone to deal with it all--the embarrassment and the mess, the sadness and the loneliness.
In a tragic accident, CeeCee's mom dies and she is sent to live with her Great-Aunt Tootie in Savannah, Georgia. CeeCee learns all about Southern wit, wisdom, beauty and hospitality from the wonderful women who come into her life.
This is a great book for fans of Southern women's literature. The city of Savannah is a character in itself and I loved the descriptions of the flowers, trees, food, and architecture. I didn't love how all the men in the book were either marginalized or make to look like complete jerks. But if you like a good "girl power" book, this one will fit the bill nicely.
Also reviewed by: Confessions of a Book Habitue ~ Lesa's Book Critiques ~ StephtheBookworm ~ Peeking Between the Pages ~ Savvy Verse & Wit ~ Diary of an Eccentric ~ Beth Fish Reads ~ The Eclectic Reader ~ Alaine - Queen of Happy Endings ~ Missy's Book Nook ~ Bermudaonion's Weblog ~ Your link here?
Source: Purchased
I really enjoyed this book last year and it made my best of list.
This was one of my favorite books of 2009! I just loved Oletta!
This is one of my favorite books! :D
Like the others, this was one of my favorite books. Yes, the male characters may not have been great, but the female characters were wonderful! It was a wonderful sisterhood book.
Lesa - www.lesasbookcritiques.blogspot.com
I think I'm going to check this one out from the library. I've read so many positive reviews of this book, but I'm not sure how much I'd like it.
@ Bermuda: I agree. I loved Oletta. She was so real and down to earth.
@ Lesa: Sisterhood: that's the perfect word for it.
@ Alyce: Library is a good choice. I bought it because it's my book club book this month and now I'm going to pass it around. :)
Why have I avoided this book? Because I see it everywhere?
I loved this book, and I made my "best of 2010" list. I never really thought about the portrayal of men in the book, but you're right that there isn't any strong male character. I didn't mind that, though.
fans of Southern women's literature" - ME ME ME!!
I know i will enjoy this. I just need to get my hands on it. :)
I hadn't seen a review of this book yet (I know, where have I been?) so I'm glad to get your take on it. I had it checked out from the library at one point but didn't get to it. I'll have to make a better effort next time. I like "girl power" books.
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