I had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing Julie from
My Own Little Corner of the World for Book Blogger Appreciation Week. Julie is incredibly energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate about what she loves. Go check out her blog, and leave a comment!
Do you re-read books? What is one book you especially love to re-read?
Normally, I do not re-read books. There are a few that one of these days I'd like to re-read but right now, I'm trying to read the ones that I haven't read the first time yet!
Do you remember the first book blog you came across?
Easily...it was almost completely by accident. I was introduced to Goodreads by an eBay customer. I was searching for people who were in my area. I found someone nearby, added her as a friend and discovered she had a book blog. I truly owe MJ of Creative Madness That Makes Me My Own (http://cherryblossommj.blogspot.com) for inspiring me to become a book blogger.
Tell us about your hometown library.
I love this question!! My hometown library is a small, quaint little place in a little town called Rushville, IL. They didn't always have what I wanted to read growing up but we had a great network of libraries that we could borrow from relatively quick. The one I visit now is HUMONGOUS and the turn around on borrowing books within the system takes much longer. I miss the "small town" library where I knew the librarian. I don't know the one where I visit now (but then I don't visit this one often since I purchase most of my books)
How many book blogs are in your Google Reader?
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 50.
Which weekly memes do you enjoy participating in? Which ones do you like reading about from other bloggers?
Let's see, Mailbox Monday, Teaser Tuesday, a new one from Sheila at Book Journey called Word Balderdash (it's great fun! http://ajourneythroughaworldofbooks.com), occasionally Booking Thru Thursday and Friday Fill-Ins. The one that I enjoy the most (besides Word Balderdash) is Show Me 5 Saturday by Alison at That's a Novel Idea (http://thatsanovelidea.blogspot.com). I enjoy reading them all! :) I get so many different ideas for new books.
I see that you like Christian fiction. That genre is fairly new to me, but I’ve really enjoyed it. What would you say to someone who is hesitant to pick up a book with the Christian fiction label?
I would say to give it a chance. Most don't try to indoctrinate you in their particular view of religion. Many of them are just honest to goodness good stories that don't involve all the sex, drugs, violence, and bad language.
How did you decide what to name your blog?
I live in my own corner and that's what came to me. I wish I'd named it something more creative though, something that said more about who I am and what I stand for.
What has been your favorite book challenge this year?
The only one that I've really attempted with the August Book Challenge hosted by Peter. I predicted I'd read 4 books and I ended up doing better than that and fitting in 9. I teach school so I thought my reading would decrease a bit. I still manage to fit it all in!
You have so many books in your to-read list (1281)! Do you have a method to determining what you pick up next?
I have a spreadsheet with every book on it. They are classified in different categories of books I've purchased, books to review, e-books, and borrowed books. Then I go to random.org and whatever number comes up then I read that book. I usually have 3-4 books going at once. I notice that you have homeschooled your kids. How do you decide what books your kids will read? Do you pre-read their books for school?
My older two (I have 4 altogether) were allowed to choose what they wanted to read. Neither of them were big readers while in school (both are done now). I will also add that my husband did most of their schooling. My 17 year old is a big reader now because she was allowed to choose what to read. With my younger children, I will be previewing and assigning them reading.
You have 4 kids, a husband, you are a CPR instructor, you homeschool, and you read and blog. How do you balance all of life’s demands in a way that keeps you feeling centered and happy?
And this is just a small sampling of what I do!! LOL I find blogging and reading to be my stress release. During the school year (I am a high school CNA instructor...) I am not as active as I wish due to my other responsibilities.
What is a book you think every child should read?
Oh the Places You Will Go by Dr. Suess
How many books are currently sitting on your nightstand?
This is a trick question, right?!? I have about 25 piled up on my nightstand. I'm out of book shelf space!!
What percentage of your books are bought, borrowed, or mooched (just estimate)?
I buy about 95% of my books that aren't sent by the publisher for review. I have a student (Mindi!) who is a great book supplier to me. I don't know what I'm going to do when she graduates next year! She got me interested in reading again a few years go when I first met her.
What is one book that you are embarrassed to admit you haven’t read yet?
I've never read any Jane Austen. I hear that I might ought to read these works though!
Who are your top three favorite authors?
John Grisham, Candace Calvart, Julie Klassen
Do you belong to a book club? Is it in person or online?
I belong to several online clubs through bookblogs.ning.com
(I promise I did not pay her for that last answer.)