My review
rating: 4 of 5 starsDaisy Fay and the Miracle Man is a coming-of-age story set in Mississippi in the 1950s. The story is told in diary entries (which I love) and follows Daisy from age 11 until after she finishes high school. Daisy is a spunky character who has to put up with a completely dysfunctional family, including an alcoholic father. There are all kinds of interesting characters involved including a crippled girl, a man with elphantiasis, an albino woman, Daisy's best friend Pickle, and Daisy's arch-nemesis, Kay Bob Benson.
Fannie Flagg manages to incorporate so many of life's complex issues into the story that it really adds depth and meaning to the experiences of the characters. The author weaves in issues such as race, abuse, and homosexuality applicable to the time period and location.
The book is very funny, often poignant, and at times heart-breaking. But, I was rooting for Daisy the whole way and I enjoyed the journey.
I gotta read her! Thanks for the review Tricia! :)
I just love all of Fannie Flagg's books. Thanks for reminding me about them!
I've never read Flagg before, but this book sounds interesting. Thanks for the review!
oh, I really want to read this. Thanks for the review !!!
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