It was kind of strange to read this book on the heels of
Devil in the White City and
Star Garden because all of these books are set in such different locations, but during basically the same time period. It was a refreshing change to move from dusty Arizona to tropical Hawaii and interesting to see how life varied from place to place.
The Bad News: This book took me about 150 pages to get into. Normally I would have given up, but my
momseguine recommended it, and my book club chose to read it for October. You know before you even start the book that Rachel is going to get Hansen's disease (leprosy) and she is going to be shipped off to Moloka'i, but it took
forever to get her there. I was ready for her to hurry up and grow up.
The Good News: I really, really ended up liking the book. I even cried. I loved the history. I loved seeing the happiness, love and joy one person can have and share with others, regardless of their circumstances and experiences. It's a book that encourages a change of pace and puts the important things in life into perspective.