AR Reading Level: 5.3
On the library stacks: YA Fiction
Series: Mortal Instruments #3
Recommended for: Grades 9+
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This third book (of six) in the Mortal Instruments series picks up right where City of Ashes left off. Clary knows who she needs to find and where she needs to go in order to wake her mother up. She ultimately gets herself to Idris, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters, where the bulk of this book takes place.
Jace doesn't want Clary in Idris at all. Simon is thrown in jail as an intended scapegoat by the Inquisitor. Sebastian, the dark prince of Clary's childhood drawings, expresses an interest in Clary that rankles Jace. And Aline makes a play for Jace that rankles Clary. Luke, as a werewolf, is in town illegally, but he holds the keys to uniting the Shadowhunters and Downworlders together in order to defeat Valentine.
I thought this book was written more fluidly than the first two, and the stylistic elements that bothered me earlier did not seem to surface here. However, this book was much more predictable than I would have liked, but I still enjoyed watching the story unfold. I think this page-turning series is a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to reading what else Cassandra Clare has in store.
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Source: Borrowed