AR Reading Level: 5.0
On the library stacks: YA Fiction
Award: VOYA Award/Honor
Series: Mortal Instruments #2
Recommended for: Grades 9+
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It's difficult to do a review of the second book in the series without alluding to events that happen in the first, so this will be a short one!
Basically, Clary is still trying to sort out her relationships and boundaries with Jace and Simon, all while trying to find Valentine and avoid the Inquisitor. Clary continues to learn about this new world of werewolves, demons, faeries and about her powers as a Shadowhunter.
The book is seriously entertaining and the pages race by. I thought this book was really strong for a second. I did think it was a little darker than the first one, but that's to be expected in this genre. My husband has been re-reading this series at the same time I am experiencing them for the first time. It has been fun to have someone to chat with about everything that is going on. On to the next one!
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Source: Purchased